Thursday, March 11, 2010

No kids, no eventful Blog

So, I just don't know if I can get into this. It seems like eevryone has an interesting blog, but that is because they have kids. Phillip and I are not that interesting, but that is the way I like it right now. I like that there isn't a lot of drama. I need to upload pictures of our home though. I add or change something every week it seems like. I love our home that we are making together, and I love my husband so much. Next time, I promise I'll upload some photos, if I can figure out how to do it. :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

100 Years of Magic

So, I got very lucky and a patient that we are taking care of at the clinic works at the BJCC. I mentioned Disney on Ice and he said he could me dicounted ticket. DISCOUNT?! I'm all about a discount. So, me and Phillip are taking his 2 nephews and neice tonight. I am so excited! Phillip and I went to Disney on Ice when we first started dating, 5 years ago, and I haven't been since. It is crazy how 5 years later, about to be married and taking the kiddos. Time goes by so fast. I'll be taking plenty of pictures and posting them soon, still trying to get used to this blogging thing.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

wow...Can't Believe I'm doing this

Yes, I cannot believe I am doing this, like I have a lot of time or something. But last week when I was complaining or "telling" my aunt about the house and everything that is going wrong with it she asks me, "Are you journaling?" NO! I don't have time to journal I thought, but I really wish I would because I love scrapbooking, so why wouldn't I journal? I know time flies by! I mean, I'm about to be married in less than 2 months!!! awww! It seems like we just got engaged! I couldn't be happier though and I want to remember this happy time in our lives and the many more to come, so I started blogging. And I blame it all on Kate Patterson, the first persons blog I ever looked at it and thought, what a wonderful idea!! And how cute is it? so, here we go, hope you don't get bored reading my life :)